Tips & tricks

Image Source Security

In the token settings, you can set the allowed address from which images will be loaded. Any other address will be rejected and will not be deducted from your credit.

Hiding the Original Image Address

In the token settings, you can set a part of the URL address that you won't need to enter into the API request. This hides the path to the original image for users.

Token Presets

The token is part of the API call to generate your image; in the token settings, you can determine which functions should always be applied when using this token, even if you don't specify them directly in the URL. Work simply.

Using CDN

On the first API call, the image is processed and generated (the time requirement may be higher). After this generation, the image is saved and distributed to servers worldwide using CDN. The subsequent delivery of content to your user is then carried out within a few milliseconds, wherever they are.

Due to the principle of CDN, it may happen that when changing the image but keeping its name, the API will still return the old image. It is necessary to invalidate this image in the CDN - you can do this in the token settings.

Cache invalidation can be done for a specific image, but also using a wildcard * (always placed at the end of the deletion request). It is therefore easy to delete, for example, all images stored for a given token in the CDN and thus force regeneration.

The CDN has a significant impact on the price you pay for using the service. Operations for generation are financially demanding, while the distribution of the finished image in paid tariffs is cheap - with repeated calls, there are no further modifications to the image, and it is only returned to the user from the CDN as an already modified image. You can find an overview of the prices of individual modifications in the price list.