AI generating images

Generate "on-the-fly" images for your website, without searching - need a picture of a building, a dog, children playing, or a super sports car? Just write the correct "prompt" and a unique image will be create.

Basic principle

  • use the generation method instead of the image URL
    • gen-1 - 4 step-by-step generation
    • gen-2 - 8 step-by-step generation

    Example: https://[token]

  • if you are looking for the right result, it is advisable to disable CDN via parameter cdnsave=off
  • for each prompt, the result is saved to AI storage and you will always get the same result
  • to regenerate the image for a specific prompt use the parameter regenerate=on
Parameter Possible value Description
?prompt=description of the image for generation any text AI works better with texts written in English
?regenerate=on on overwrites the image for the given prompt with a new image (overwrites the image in AI storage)
We recommend combining with:
Parameter Possible value Description
?cdnsave=off off sets the storage duration in CDN to 0 seconds

Example for development


Every request generates a new image!

Once you generate an image you are satisfied with - remove regenerate and cdnsave parameters from the URL. This will ensure the image remains stored and is distributed into the CDN network.

Example for production


The image is loaded from AI storage (due to generation during development), if such a request does not exist - a new one is generated. Then it is distributed to CDN.